Competition Focus

Thebes subtracted him importance to the arrival of Kylian Mbappé to the Real Madrid


With the most recent arrival of Kylian Mbappé to LaLiga like player of the Real Madrid, has intensified the global interest in the Spanish championship. However, Javier Thebes, president of LaLiga, ‘went down’ the smokes of his signing and has defended the potential of the competition so much with as without the presence of the exdelantero French of the PSG.

Thebes expressed his opinion through a message in the social network ‘X’, where affirmed: “Claro that Mbappé is important for the maintenance and growth of LaLiga, but is not as they paint it. Cristiano Ronaldo went to the Series To and the rights of TV went down; in LaLiga, went up. Messi went to Tie it 1 with Neymar and Mbappé, and the rights of TV in France went down, whereas in LaLiga went up”, wrote.

To his time, also tackled the erroneous perceptions on the sale of the rights of TV of the Spanish football, indicating that “say that selling now the rights of TV of the Spanish football would collect more is not understanding how works the audiovisual market”. It added that, although they celebrate the arrival of Mbappé, are concerned by the audiovisual fraud and the piracy, appearances that affect directly the value of the rights.

The piracy, a subject for resolving

Of this way, signalled that they are working to keep the position of LaLiga like one of the leagues of football more attractive and valued of the world, with or without the presence of stars of international renown like Mbappé. Finally, it affirmed that the competition is engaged to combat any type of fraud, to protect like this the value of the rights of television and keep the commercial appeal of the Spanish championship for the viewers and global sponsors.

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